The Aurora Project

The Aurora Project was established in December 2018. It is a charity which provides free group and 1:1 support, therapy & signposting service for individuals who want to understand and manage the sexual thoughts they are having. For some people, their sexual behaviours may be causing them distress and they may be concerned they will act upon them, some may be currently under investigation with the Police. We aim to provide therapy which will allow individuals the opportunity to understand their sexual thoughts and behaviours in a non-judgemental and supportive environment.

The Aurora Project utilises techniques and principles from both Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Compassion Focussed Therapy (CFT), to assist individuals in understanding their own patterns of behaviour, to find healthy ways to manage difficult thoughts and emotions, and to live a positive life for the future. We work with clients who are motivated towards change and who feel able to make use of group or individual therapy.

“It’s not your fault, but you can do something about it…”

The Aurora Project Objectives –

Note: The Aurora Project is a rolling project and operates in a different manner to other programmes that may be manualised and / or set in duration. 

The Aurora Project has a number of objectives. These are as follows:

  • To provide a support, therapy & signposting service for individuals who want to understand and manage the sexual thoughts they are having in a non-judgemental, therapeutic environment.
  • To prevent harm, contact, and escalation of sexual behaviours.
  • To use evidence informed best practice & service user involvement to underpin all aspects of the Aurora Project.
  • To research and evaluate the project in an ongoing basis to improve effectiveness & monitor outcomes.

Who can be referred to the Aurora Project?

  • Adults of any gender (18+)
  • Individuals who find their sexual thoughts, feelings & behaviours distressing and are concerned that they may act upon them
  • Individuals who have never sexually offended
  • Individuals who are currently under investigation, or have received a caution for internet offences
  • Self-referrals – you might want to contact us for confidential support, information or advice.
  • Individuals who are willing to travel to Nottingham

The Aurora Project can be contacted on: 0115 848 2505 this is NOT a helpline, it is not routinely answered and callers must leave a message. For persons who are based in the Nottingham and Derby areas who can attend the Aurora Project in-person or by email:

If you would like to refer yourself to The Aurora Project please complete our self-referral form and email it to us at the above address. If you would like to refer someone else please contact us first.

Young People:

Aurora Young People’s Project aims to provide the same service, on a 1:1 basis, for young people currently exhibiting, or at fear and risk of expressing, harmful sexual behaviour. Through engaging with the evidence base, it is known that children expressing harmful sexual behaviour or ideation at an early age have likely experienced trauma of all kinds, thus meaningful and therapeutic activity is key for early intervention and avoiding contact with the CJS. We furthermore aim to promote the importance of prosocial and functional relationships for young people; offering mentoring and therapeutic support with aspects of their life not solely of a sexual nature, though ultimately related to risk.

Parent Referral Form

Professional Referral Form

If you are concerned about your own or another person’s sexual thoughts or behaviour towards children other resources you may find useful are:

Stop it Now is a dedicated helpline available to support people with these concerns. You can call the helpline on: 0808 1000 900

Recovery nation is also available. It is a free self-help recovery resource for those struggling with sexual addictions or difficulty with their sexual behaviour.

If you have been affected by sexual abuse and need someone to talk to, there are organisations specially dedicated to offering support. These include Samaritans (call anytime on 116 123), Victim Support (call free on 08 08 16 89 111) and Childline (call on 0800 1111).

If you are worried that a child may have been abused (even if you are unsure), contact the NSPCC professional counsellors 24/7 for help, advice and support. NSPCC 0808 800 5000 or email

If you want to report a child protection concern, contact your local authority child protection team – you can find the team in the area that the child lives on

If you think that a child or adult is in immediate danger of harm, call the police on 999.

Further information can also be found on the Stop It Now website.

Click on any of these organisations to get more information.


Our Aurora Project service is confidential which means that everything we talk about is kept private. If, however, you tell us specific information about an unconvicted offence committed by you or another identifiable person, or you tell us specific information about a child or adult who is being victimized, we may have to pass this on. The confidentiality boundaries will be clearly discussed with you when you make contact with the Aurora Project so you are always clear on what these are.

There are a number of ways to contact us depending on what is more comfortable for you. You may prefer to email us for support, or you can give us a call. We don’t keep a record of telephone numbers and we won’t call you back unless you ask us to.